Future of IoT: What To Expect in the Next 5 Years
by Ralph Heredia on Feb 7, 2022 8:00:00 AM
In the last few years alone, we’ve seen dramatic changes in the capabilities of IoT. It’s exciting to think about what the future of IoT will look like five or ten years down the road. The growth of the industry has accelerated along with its capabilities — the number of IoT devices b …
4 IoT Connectivity Challenges & How To Solve Them
by Ralph Heredia on Feb 2, 2022 4:36:18 PM
Though IoT can streamline business operations and provide convenience for consumers, setting up an effective IoT ecosystem is anything but simple. There isn’t a magic wand when it comes to IoT connectivity. (If only it were so easy!) But there are ways to navigate the connectivity cha …
6 Great Examples of IoT in Retail
by Frank Greer on Jan 17, 2022 8:00:00 AM
Adoption of the internet of things is growing exponentially across many sectors, and that includes retail. In fact, over 70% of North American retailers have expressed an interest in reinventing their supply chain with IoT-enabled solutions. When you think of the hundreds of thousands …
33 IoT Terms and What They Mean
by Frank Greer on Jan 12, 2022 3:51:04 PM
Technology has a language all its own, and this is certainly true when it comes to the Internet of things (IoT). As you build and grow your connected solution company, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with IoT terms as you explore the exciting ways IoT is transforming busine …
Smart Farming: How IoT Is Transforming Agriculture (+ Examples)
by Frank Greer on Oct 26, 2021 12:10:31 PM
According to the United Nations, the world population is expected to grow to 9.8 billion by 2050. The internet of things (IoT) is poised to bridge the gap between current agricultural production levels and what will be required to support the needs of the world’s increasing population …
Guide to IoT in Transportation (+Examples)
by Frank Greer on Sep 20, 2021 11:56:34 AM
The Internet of things (IoT) is improving the safety and efficiency of both public and private transport, benefitting municipalities and businesses operating in the transportation industry. The market growth projections for IoT in transportation are astounding, though not surprising, …
10 of the Best Examples of IoT in Healthcare
by Ralph Heredia on Aug 25, 2021 10:51:32 AM
The Internet of Things (IoT) has driven astounding innovations and advancements in the healthcare industry. IoT is redefining how and where care is provided, quality of care, and the patient experience. According to a Forbes article, an estimated 646 million IoT devices would be used …
5 Best IoT Examples
by Ralph Heredia on Jul 30, 2021 11:05:19 AM
IoT usage continues to grow exponentially — forecasts show IoT is expected to grow to around 1.6 billion U.S. dollars by 2025. And though businesses have been slower than consumers to adopt this technology, that’s quickly changing. Certain industries are taking the lead, including far …
IoT vs. M2M: What’s the Difference?
by Frank Greer on Jul 26, 2021 2:20:34 PM
If you’re confused by the difference between IoT and M2M, well, you’re not alone. Even some of us in the industry consider these technologies to be the same, but with different labels. Let’s walk through what each is, the differences between them, and how to decide what technology to …
What Is the IoT Subscription Model, and What Are Its Benefits?
by Frank Greer on Apr 1, 2021 11:04:16 AM
The explosion of interest in IoT devices has created a wealth of opportunities for companies selling IoT products and related services. With the rise in opportunities has come a need for flexible monetization options. While a variety of business models can effectively capture IoT valu …
5 Effective Types of IoT Business Models
by Frank Greer on Mar 16, 2021 3:33:48 PM
One of the first things you’ll want to consider when planning to sell connected products is your IoT business model. Your ability to monetize the value of your IoT offerings is instrumental to your success as a business. Let’s explore the most effective types of IoT business models an …
5G and IoT: What It Means for Connectivity
by Ralph Heredia on Feb 26, 2021 9:51:48 AM
5G IoT has the potential to transform industries. 5G’s ability to support high data transfer rates for data gathering with ultra-low latency will power critical services in city and building management, healthcare, supply chains, and more. This post offers an introduction to 5G and Io …